Volunteer Program

Join Us in the Water

Do you have a passion for keeping our ocean colorful and full of life? Have you ever wanted to make a lasting difference in the health of our gorgeous coral reefs?

Corals reefs are responsible for providing unique experiences each time you dive, but they need our help. Due to climate change, disease, predation, pollution, and many other factors, coral reefs are dying. Reef Renewal Foundation Curaçao recognizes this and wants people like you to join our team of volunteers.

We are always thrilled to welcome new coral lovers!

To become a volunteer and get involved, divers need to complete a 1 (or 2 half) day training course and attend a RRFC educational presentation in order to gain the PADI Reef Renewal Diver Distinctive Specialty certification.

After completing their training, volunteer divers will be able to assist Reef Renewal Foundation Curaçao staff in the coral nurseries, help with maintenance activities, and outplant corals to restoration sites around Curaçao. Dive volunteers are notified on a weekly basis about opportunities available for scheduled volunteer dives in our nurseries and restoration sites. Each week has new opportunities for volunteers to gain an unmatched experience!

To become a volunteer, the following are required: